- I believe I am a kind person.
-I believe I can do well in my life.
- I believe Jackson and I will last longer than I could have ever expected.
-I believe I try to be a good student.
- I believe I am not very good at being an online student.
-I believe I pay more attention to being a manager than a student.
-I believe that I try too hard to please my family.
-I believe that my vacation to Jersey this summer will be amazing and much needed.
-I believe I can do better at managing my time to do homework and work.
-I believe books are better than movies.
-I believe traveling is a wonderful way to get "cultured".
-I believe everyone should have an open mind.
-I believe everyone should have the right to marry whom they choose.
-I believe cats are better than dogs! (I do love my dog, though)
-I believe Sonic's nerd slushy drinks are the best beverage of the summer.
-I believe hiking is a great way to get away from stress.
- I believe that everyone is capable of working out, they just make excuses to stay unhealthy.
-I believe thinking of these statements when "put on the spot", so to speak, is harder than I expected it to be.
-I believe in community enrichment and support.
-I believe choices are what get you to a certain point in your life, not fate.
-I believe putting yourself first sometimes will make you a happier person.
-I believe that orchestral instruments in rock music sound wonderful.
- I believe my ten minutes is up! Now on to the freewriting for ten minutes.
Statements done from 7:07 pm to 7:17 pm
Freewriting: I believe I pay more attention to being a manager than a student.
This is ironic. I love going to school and I love learning. I always said that school was one of the most important things to me in my life. Certainly more important than working. I moved out young and relied to heavily on a manager's paycheck though, so now I am tied to the job. Sure, I can cut more bills, but if I do that then I am stuck living in a neighborhood that looks crummy and could be dangerous. I am not brave in those situations, plus I don't think. I could handle some of the filth that comes with cheaper housing. I need to step down though. I work so many hours, and sometimes I don't get to my homework. This should never be a problem for me since I always said school was more important. What happened??? I hate working this much, though I do have an awesome work ethic; that is something I pride myself on. I just wish that carried over to homework. I always enjoy the lesson plans and readings, but when it comes down to actually doing the assignments, I get so tired and decide to finish laundry and go to bed. I can do it later, but then it's too late. It's so frustrating because I know my professors think I'm mediocre or average, maybe even below average. I used to do so well in school. High school was amazing in regards to my grades. And other things. I miss high school. I miss my old friends and all of the clubs and organizations I was involved in. That's another reason I don't like working so many hours. Fifty plus hours a week on top of classes does not leave room for any type of socialization or volunteering. If only I got paid to read books. I could do that job. The library requires a degree though... which I'm obviously still working on. Catch 22 here. Thank goodness for Jackson. He is a huge stress reliever. He always keeps me motivated and on track. I seriously don't know how I would stay sane without him. This feels like a journal entry. A really badly thought out entry with no filter. I really hope this blog stays private... I have never blogged before though, so I have no idea what it all consists of or how to make it private. Oh well, I suppose I'll find out soon enough. Two more minutes. I really have written a lot more than I thought I would. Getting back on topic, I really wish more jobs worked around school, or paid more so that I wouldn't have to rely on manager's pay or working two jobs to live on my own. Hopefully someday soon Jackson and I can make plans to move in together, that way we can split all of the bills and neither of us will have to work as much. It has come up in discussion before, hopefully it becomes a more serious discussion soon. I could use the assistance and we would have so much fun together. And like I said, he's a good motivator to do well. Over my ten minutes now.
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