Sunday, June 29, 2014


Friday, one of my sisters turned 21. Today, one of my brothers turned 16. I had a ton of fun celebrating with both of them all weekend, but I also felt sad that they were growing up so fast. I can't even imagine how parents must feel when their kids get to certain ages, especially when they are milestone ages. I am the oldest of 7, and have always been the second parent, and the babysitter, and (of course) the big sister, so another influence on them all. Because of that, I permanently see them as my "little" brother or sister. For them to be at those ages is just bazaar. I miss them all being so young. I'm sure my parents say that about them, and me too. I think it's because I don't see myself as ever being a parent, so I always just expect the younger siblings to stay little. I shouldn't feel too strange about it though, because I am an aunt now, and will be many more times, I'm sure. One good thing about having three brothers and three sisters is that there is bound to be a lot of nieces and nephews. I already have two of each. So it will be nice getting to see the milestones all over again, whether I am a parent or not.

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